Wednesdays are going to take on a new voice for a while. Cortney, one of my First 15 and an MFM’er to the core (Mom Fitness Makeover’er) is going to tell all about her journey to optimal health and fitness.
I talk endlessly about the Mom Fitness Makeover being more than just a fitness and nutrition plan…it is a life changing program. Cortney is one of the many who have experienced just that.
She will share stories about her complete transformation. Falling off the waggon and getting back on. The journey that has taken her from the woman she was to the woman she is…living her dreams and pushing on the ocean.
She will highlight what I have been saying to you for months now…It is not about the destination but the journey along the way, for the journey is what makes the destination last forever….
- One year ago, I emailed Carrie to find out what her secret was.
- Ten months ago, I rose to the challenge of the Mom Fitness Makeover.
- Eight months ago, I saw results…in a BIG way.
- Six months ago, I broke my toe and had to get off of my beloved exercise regime.
- Four months ago, I reformed my budget and spending habits.
- Two months ago, I decided that I would open an online store on Etsy to live a dream.
- Today, I am working the final details out to open my store…and to get some other things in order as well.
You see, two days before my store opens I will be having surgery on the toe that broke 6 months ago. Since then, my physical activity has been close to nil. I’ve spent the last 6 of 7 weeks wearing a boot up to my knee to stabilize my foot. Not only has that boot been terribly uncomfortable,it’s actually thrown the rest of my body out of whack trying to compensate.
I turned to food. Cakes, frosting, cookies… you name it. I usually know better than to have my standard sad-face foods in the house. All it takes is one weak moment in the grocery store and *poof* there I sit with an empty box of oatmeal pies, a sick tummy and a pile of regret.
I caught myself looking in the mirror and seeing wrinkles on my face. My face is missing that “glow” (and, NO, I’m not looking for that glow…). I realized what it was. I wasn’t smiling.
I don’t smile at myself anymore. When I started the MFM, I started to smile at myself. Sure, my body started to look better over time, butit wasn’t that. I was doing something RIGHT. I was proud of that. Yes, I’m about to live a dream in mere days…and I’m more excited about that than I can express!! I can talk your ear off about fabric and sewing and designs!! I’ll smile from ear to ear!!
But when it’s just me and a mirror…I see what I’ve given up. I see that I’ve been hobbled by injury, and made excuses to not work around it. Sure, I can’t run on a treadmill right now, but many of my favorite MFM exercises can be modified to not even use my foot. Also, there is no reason but childish “I don’t wanna” that’s keeping me from eating better. I’m burning MUCH fewer calories than I was when I was working out All. The. Time.
Why am I eating large piles of empty calories?
Right now, I don’t care so much about the shape of my body, 6-pack abs would be super, but it’s more a matter of how I feel. I no longer want to feel “OK” or even “good.” Back in the recesses of my mind, I remember that I felt “great,” nay “GREAT!!!” when I was doing my body right.
I may not be able to do all the exercises (or any at first), but I’m going to clean up my act.
So here I am…in front of you…in front of the world…in front of myself…in the mirror. Looking ahead…and smiling.
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