Women Will Let You Know (100% Success Move)

We all hate flaking, and we all hate not getting what we want. With that in mind, is there a way that you can get damn near 100% success with women, whether you're going for a kiss, trying to get a date, trying to take one home, or trying to have sex? The answer is yes, and I've performed this move a countless number of times.

Although the move is a relatively easy one, that doesn't mean that just any guy can pull it off. Most men will not be able to pull off this move because they'll be too impatient, show too much interest, and try to force an outcome. However, if you are calm, patient, and don't try to force anything, this move will work almost 100% of the time you're trying to get anything out of a woman, whether it is a kiss, a date, or trying to take her home for sex.

So what is the move? You simply wait until she expresses interest in whatever it is that you want. Until then, you remain calm, challenge her, and don't show any interest in her past your opener. For example, I wouldn't even bring up the topic of kissing or try to kiss her until she expressed interest in it. I wouldn't try to take her home until she expressed interest in it, etc. Most men are so impatient and afraid of losing the girl that they'll prematurely try to close the deal, and end up not getting what they want. These same men forget that women want what they have to work for.

Here are a few examples from my stories:

Her friends decide to leave, but instead of staying behind with me this time, she tells me that she's going to leave too.....and she wants me to come with her. Her friends trust me enough to let us walk alone in the alley, so they go the other way.
As we're walking, we're holding hands off and on. We stop and sit on the curb in Wendy's parking lot. I say something that pisses her off, so she starts to walk off without me. I say "OK" and stay 10 feet behind her just to make sure she gets home safely. She cuts a corner and I lose her. I rush to catch up, only to find her laying on a wet car. Her eyes are closed, I figure that this is the time to go in for a kiss. My intuition is right...we make out for maybe 15 seconds.
We get to her place, she invites me in. I sit on a chair, and her friends come in and go upstairs. She then goes upstairs, so I'm like "What the fuck?". All of a sudden, she comes running down the stairs and immediately jumps on top of me and wraps her arms around me. She then says "Lets go outside", so I figure its my time to go.
She doesn't say goodbye, but instead starts conversing with me. She lays on another wet car, this time with her stomach exposed, and drips of water hitting it from the above roof...drip...drip..drip...so fucking hot. I can't resist, so I go in and kiss her stomach. I move up to her neck and start to lightly bite it...a nibble here...a nibble there... she's moaning. We make out again. I then say "Let's go back inside." and she says "Oh, I see how it is". She thought I was leaving. I then tell her that I said "Let's go back in."
We get back in and I proceed to lock the door, and she says "Where are you going?" She thought I was leaving again. She then comes and starts making out with me and pushes me back in a chair. She hops on top of me, and secures me by wrapping her arms around me, and she falls asleep.

With Appleface, I basically challenged her. The first two times we were together, I was never the one to suggest walking her home. Her and her friends were. Also, I never attempted to kiss her. The third time, in the above story, she positioned herself for the kiss to happen. Not only that, but she invited me in. Do you think I would have gotten those same outcomes by being impatient and trying to force it before she basically let me know what she wanted (whether it was indirect with the kiss, or direct with inviting me in to spend the night). Nope (We've talked about this).

We arrive back in front of her place...
Me: "That's not a fucking sorority house!"

Cornfed: "Yes it is. Come in and see!"

Right then and there, I knew I could have sex with her. Why? Because she was letting me know it. All of my friends were trying to fuck her but couldn't. Why not? Because they were too impatient and trying to force an outcome; prematurely trying to get an outcome. They should have waited until she let them know that she was ready, and remained a challenge up until that point.

Me: "I'm about to go home, you can come if you want."

Right before that, I told her that I was leaving soon. I didn't put it in the story, but she asked me where I was going. That's why I told her that she could come if she wanted to. Her asking me where I was going was her basically letting me know that she was interested in coming. Also, look at this from the same story:

Sammy the Seal: "I'm bored, let's go cuddle."

Again, I waited until she let me know that she was down (for sex). It was indirect, but still the same message. Now what would have happened if I showed too much interest too soon or tried to force an outcome sooner? I probably would not have brought this girl home or slept with her. Keep in mind that I was her first black guy, and a friend told me that she only sleeps with white guys.

And Barbie Doll? She just stands there staring at me. All night, I've been very patient, not rushing anything. I know what she wants...
Me: "If you want, I can give you my number and you can call me whenever."
Barbie Doll: "Okay! I'll give you mine too!"
You should see the huge smile across her face...
Me: "Goodbye."
She leans in and kisses me...
Barbie Doll: "I'll call you!"

I waited until the very end of the night to ask for her phone number. Notice how she gave me the go ahead to ask for her number. How? When everyone was leaving, she just stared at me. She was indirectly telling me to ask for her phone number and letting me know that she would go out on a date with me.
There are a ton of examples like this in my stories. If you read my one night stand stories, you will see that in almost all of them, I waited until said girl gave me some kind of go ahead signal before making my move. Again, this move isn't for every guy, but if you know how to be patient by not trying to force an outcome by trying to get her number too soon, not trying to kiss her too soon, and not trying to take her home and have sex with her too soon, women will let you know when they are finally ready to give you what you want with almost no chance of you not getting it.
Obviously, this requires you to have some social intelligence to know when a woman is trying to indirectly let you know something.

























