What About The Match.com Spreadsheet Guy?

Last week, Jezebel.com released a story about “The Match.com Spreadsheet Guy,”  a man who meticulously recorded details about the women he met online.
We at DateMasters salute you, Mr. Spreadsheet Guy, for taking control of your life in a way most men never do by simply keeping records and stats of your dating list.
That being said, we have some advice for Mr. Spreadsheet and other men out there who have chosen to use a spreadsheet to keep track of all the women they are meeting so that they can find a really Great One.

Keep Your Dating Information (Spreadsheets Included) To Yourself

NEVER send any of your recorded dating information to someone you’re dating. Heck, never send it to anyone, ever! For that matter, never tell anyone your opinions and thoughts about your dating life. It’s a recipe for disaster no matter how you cut it. Discretion and mystery are very useful skills to cultivate and we highly recommend it.
Back to this guy. Sending your dating info spreadsheet to a girl you’re dating is like sending your life saving by wire transfer to the de-throned Nigerian prince who emailed you and promises to repay you once he takes back the kingdom.
Dumb move.
Not exactly the smoothest way to cultivate an air of class, mystery and challenge. We keep the closet full of magic tricks closed and locked tightly unless we need to get in there for some reason… Usually, it’s not to reveal all the secrets to a random passerby.

Dealing With Guilt Trips

But as things turned out, The Spreadsheet Guy / David Merkur sent his spreadsheet to a girl he was dating, and what’s done is done. Now he has to deal with wacky guilt trips coming at him from all angles. One like this one from Annie Karni at The New York Post:
“But, Spreadsheet Guy, if you can’t even remember the bar where you had your first date if it’s not in your data dump then things are likely doomed from the start.”
Fact of the matter is guys are going to have to meet TONS of women if they really want to find an Amazing one who’s hot, has a great attitude and is totally into him.
The converse is true for women as well – they already know they have to kiss a bunch of frogs before they find a prince. Unless the person (guy or girl!) has a gift for memorization, it’s simply neither plausible nor desirable to hold all the details of every member of the opposite sex they meet… Especially when the girls have tons of guys stepping to them daily or the guys are getting up and out meeting at least 30 women a day.
And as for all the “spreadsheets are creepy” judgment stuff flying around, well, yep, that was covered in Guilt Tripping 101. And yes, they’re probably right, from their point of view spreadsheet certainly could be considered creepy, and we’ll definitely consider their advice and…
Simply continue doing what we know works best – talking to massive amounts of women every day, taking stats (on a spreadsheet no less!), experiencing wild success, teaching it to our students and having them replicate the success.
“I am only a year outside your 24 to 28 target age range — and I fear having a fun date with a guy like you only to end up as a line on a spreadsheet.
Another guilt trip, but Karni is actually on to something – she SHOULD be afraid that she might end up as just another line on a dude’s spreadsheet.
When we meet high value women who have an Amazing attitude, bring a lot to the table and are totally into us in addition to having good looks, they quickly “rise above” spreadsheet status. Unfortunately, the vast majority of beautiful women we meet simply don’t have the chops to cut it – they have baggage, daddy issues, gold-digging tendencies, or otherwise extremely unattractive traits that aren’t what we’re looking for in the women we want to surround ourselves with.
However, if we meet a really Great One, she’ll be happy to know that she’ll still be around long after the spreadsheet has been regulated to the recycle bin of history. Likewise, if she knows how to really hold on to the guy, the guy will know that she’s literally the best of the best after talking to, say, 9,537 women and that she’s actually truly better than all of them.
Get up, get out, meet lots of women every day, take stats, record them (yes, on a spreadsheet) and Be Amazing.

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