There’s a fine line between sexy and slutty, and having class and being a prude. Right along those lines, it’s easy to look like a slob, a loser, or a complainer on both ends of the spectrum. Strike a balance and be sexy and classy. You will wow everyone around you, and everyone will want to be around you. When you’re dating, you want to make a statement, not an advertisement. Be classy, be sexy, don’t be a prude, and don’t be a slut. Here are 10 ways to be classy and sexy on a date:
2. Look good: Your clothes don’t need to be expensive, but you should be cleaned up. Your clothes should not clash or be faded. If you have pets, make sure you’re not wearing their hair on your clothing.
3. Have an Air of Confidence: Don’t rely on a piece of clothing (or lack thereof) to get somebody’s attention. Be smart, funny, and likeable. Be careful though, not to cross the line of confidence into arrogance. Compliment others, not yourself.
4. Be a Conversationalist: The way you talk reflects your attitude, your sense of humor, and your intellect. Ask questions, and do your part to keep the conversation flowing. Talk about safe subjects like travel, siblings, careers, and goals. Don’t talk about your money problems, how much you can’t stand your parents, or the fight you just had with your best friend.
5. Don’t Have a Dirty Mouth: Think of swearing as a bad habit. It is a reflection of bad etiquette, bad manners, or a previous career as a drunken sailor.
6. Stick to a 2 Cocktail Rule: Usually one drink leads to another, but in the case of dating, one drink can possibly lead to a second, but a second drink should lead to a glass of water or other non-alcoholic beverage. Don’t portray yourself as a
drunk or an alcoholic. Also, determine who will be driving home. If that’s you, limit yourself to one drink, and make sure you wait long enough to sober up. Alcohol does make awkward situations easier, but know your limits!
7. Stay Humble: You want to be confident and assured. You don’t want to be cocky or seem to think of yourself as overly important. If you’re talking about the fancy private school you attended, or a 3 week luxury vacation you took last year, say, “I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to do that.”
8. Don’t Complain: Classy people don’t complain. They are flexible and can adapt to a change of plans, and deal with things coming out not the way they expected. Even if you don’t like your dinner, or the waiter takes your order wrong,
9. Accept Compliments Gracefully: Being able to accept a compliment is something that many people don’t even consider a skill. But learn to say thank you, and take it one step further. Either return the compliment, or compliment something else. Do not go on and talk about yourself and how great you are.
10. Have Perfect Posture: Slouching is not sexy. You’ll look taller, skinnier and all around sexier if you stand up straight and don’t slump over. This is a healthy habit to adopt for yourself.
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