What is the opposite of love? This is one interesting quote from one of the characters of the show Desperate Housewives on this topic:
The opposite of love isn’t hate. It’s indifference. And if you hate me, that means you still care and we’re still connected and I still have a chance to set you right.
Actually, I read of the same idea on one of those sites advising people on how to win back their ex. That once a love sours, time will reduce the anger or hate to indifference and when that happens, the task to win back his or her love becomes much harder.
I guess indifference is a signal that the heart has healed and one is moving on. Love and hate are powerful emotions that drive us to act on something confronting us. On the other hand, indifference borders on not caring and little can disturb the feelings in our heart.
Being Rational When You are the Other Woman
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Anyway, I still think go by the convention that the opposite of love is hate. Simply because both are strong emotions but with one being positive and the other negative. When you love a person, you want the best for him. But when a relationship comes to an end and you hate the person, you probably wish all his future girlfriends are of the worst kind. That is bad, I know, but well, that’s the opposite of love, isn’t it?
One of the questions on Loveawaks’s long list of About Us Queries is: Would you break up with someone based on a rumor?
Most, if not all, of the profiles for men that I have read who have answered this question have all said No.
When I asked my male friends their thoughts on this question, most had the same answer:
“Unless the woman was convicted of murder or major white collar crime or did some kind of harm to someone, I wouldn’t care. Guys don’t care about that stuff the way women do. We’re more willing to give the woman the benefit of the doubt. We might not give them as much of a chance to prove us wrong as we would a woman we didn’t know something about. But we’d still give her a chance.”
Who cares if your new love interest performed some “services” a few years ago? What matters is who she is NOW. Should you believe her? Yes. You should ask her whether it’s true and hear her out. Then you have to accept what she says as the truth. if you can’t do that, then do her a favor and just break up with her because you’ll never trust her.
Here’s a test…who would you trust more…a woman who may have taken some cash for performing a sex act OR a woman who a) cheated on her mate b) snooped through her mate’s phone c) betrayed your confidence to her girlfriends? Because, guess what? I would put money down on the fact that you’ve dated women who have done one or all of these things. You just never caught them doing it. All of us – men and women – have done some questionable things in our lives. I can guarantee you that most people we date have either slept with someone in a relationship, or cheated on their taxes, or pulled a train, or sent someone a deranged email. The chances of you or anyone else finding that one person who hasn’t dallied in the gray area of right and wrong is very slim.
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