You learned that Flirting is comprised of both verbal and nonverbal skills that relate and express feelings between men and women. Today I would like to expand upon that a bit.
The Flirting itself is not definitive, linear, or logical in the sense of predictability. And this is where a lot of guys get hung up. They want to know that if they perform a certain way, a specific outcome is inevitable. But the reality is that the outcome of your actions is not predictable. It’s very likely, in fact, that you may approach a woman, perform and execute your steps flawlessly, and still get rejected. That’s just the way it is.
Do you think men who know the Flirting rules and are successful with women don’t get rejected? Of course they do! But, they are also consistently approaching and initiating with new women, and therefore experiencing constant success.
Flirting Makes a Woman Feel Safe
Women are afraid of being hurt physically by men. That’s a woman’s number one fear. Successful flirting will alleviate her fear and allow her to begin trusting you. Flirting will make her feel safe; it will assure her that you are not going to hurt her.
Flirting Builds Rapport
The verbal components to the Flirting Protocol will enable each of you to get a sense of each other, to create some idea of familiarity, to build a rapport. It’s very difficult to make a woman feel safe and willing to go out with you if you don’t have rapport. Dialogue will help to create this familiarity and will allow her to get to know you so you can move on to the next level-asking her out.
Flirting as a Diagnostic Tool
A brief interaction will help you to determine if you like this woman or not. You will also get a sense of her receptiveness and whether or not she likes you.
Lover v.s. Friend
In addition, flirting is the vehicle by which you introduce romantic thoughts. It creates an environment that puts a woman at ease and allows you to place yourself into the Lover Zone instead of the Friend Zone.
Goals of Flirting
- To put a woman at ease
- To create a connection and feeling of rapport
- To help assess if you like her and she likes you
- To enable you to represent yourself as a lover instead of a friend
- To provide the opportunity to ask a woman out
A Word about Confidence
Many guys tell me that they lack confidence. They don’t know how to feel comfortable and act natural when first approaching and executing the components of Flirting.
The Dating Matrix will teach you the skills, both verbal and nonverbal you need to realize your relationship goals. It will provide a step-by-step structure for what you need to be doing when. This, in itself, will create confidence. Practice, constant execution, and a little success will do the rest.
If you think about it, most situations in which you are not confident are caused because you don’t know what to do. If you had the knowledge of how to act and what to say at each point of interaction, you would be a lot more comfortable. Practice the steps that comprise these skills and integrate them into your actions, and they will become very accessible and natural parts of you. After a time, you won’t even have to think about doing them.
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