I have dragged my feet on updating this week because of the situation. You know, the no kiss situation. I feel that since we now have gone three dates with no kiss, it is reaching critical mass. And I am stumped. I mean, yes I do refuse to make the first move. I will just put that out there. But in all my life, that has never actually been a problem. The backpage guy has gone for it just fine. If anything, I have had to find creative ways to deflect those moves, but never have I found myself wondering where they were.
So, the bottom line here is that the guy still hasn’t kissed me.
Monday was another great date. We laughed, we talked, we had an amazing meal together. There was some encouraging casual touching. But at the end, there was a very nice hug with absolutely no kiss. I went upstairs completely confused. I had thought that surely, after such a good time, a kiss was forthcoming. And yet, I was wrong.
So gentle readers, imagine my surprise at what happened next! On Monday night, we made a date for Sunday afternoon. So I knew he still wanted to see me, which of course made everything more confusing. But as the week wore on, it became apparent that he was fishing for another date before Sunday. I played dense, he fished harder, and I finally called him on it. So we made a date for Friday evening, at his request. And when I asked him what he wanted to do, you will not believe what he said. He wants to watch backpage movies at his place!
Now, any experienced one date wonder knows that backpage movies at his place is not just an invitation for movies. It is always, without fail, an invitation to get naked together. I mean, you can be coy about it if you like, but really, think about it. In a backpage dating context, any invitation for movies in is always made with the intention of sex. I am comfortable making that kind of blanket statement. I have been backpage dating for some time now and have never, not once ever, found that invitation to mean anything but “let’s get it on”.
So how is it that someone who can’t even kiss me can so boldly head right to sexy town like that? I mean, do you think he just doesn’t know? Does he actually mean to show me how Bluray is superior to DVD as he claims? Could it honestly be that this invitation is made without intent to invade my pants?
I honestly don’t know that answer. I have accepted the invitation because I think it may be the only way this man will ever kiss me, as nothing else seems to be doing the trick. I decided I’m a big girl and can stop the action if it progresses too far (because honestly, I’m not ready for all of that just yet). But I really think that maybe my ninja-like deflection skills may be unnecessary here. How can a man who hasn’t even kissed me goodnight possibly go right for a panty raid like that? What say you?
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